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Palmstone - Tiger Eye

Traits: Protective, Grounding, Confidence

Chakra: Muladhara Chakra (Root Chakra) & Manipura Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra)

Zodiac sign: ♑ Capricorn & ♊ Gemini

About: Tiger Eye belongs to the family of Quartz. It is a stunning crystal that is associated with strength, courage, and protection. It is often used as a grounding crystal and can also be used as a focus for meditation and self-reflection. It is a versatile crystal that can be used to promote positivity and clarity.

Color: Golden-brown to yellow-brown hues with bands of various shades.

Why you were drawn to the crystal: Having a Tiger Eye is like having your own little piece of courage and confidence in gem form! It's got these cool, golden-brown stripes that kinda resemble a tiger's fur, hence the name. It's like wearing a shield of bravery and strength around your wrist, neck, or pocket. Whenever you need a boost of self-assurance or a reminder to trust your instincts, Tiger Eye has got your back. So, if you're looking for a gem that's as fierce and fearless as you are, Tiger Eye is definitely the one to rock!

How to use it: Tiger Eye is perfect to use for decorative objects around your space. It is also excellent for spiritual purposes. You can wear it around your neck, at work, while going for an exam or why not in your bra or pocket for extra power?

Weight:  Approx. 14g-20g.

Disclaimer:  All crystals come from nature and therefore vary in color, shape and size. Small cracks can also be part of the crystal, so it does not mean that it is broken. Your crystal will be completely unique and perfect for you!

A Guide to Cleansing Your Crystals: Click here!